How to move from a fixed to a maker mindset

Do you remember what your classroom looked like when you were a kid?
I remember my 8th grade Social Studies classroom well.
There were fifteen tables, all aligned in neat rows, that faced the front. I sat next to my best friend at a table in the back. Our teacher, an animated woman with gray fizzly hair and big spectacles, paced excitedly back and forth from the front; discussing some historical figure that she projected onto the whiteboard. We raced to take notes. The only sound other than her voice came from the constant buzz of an overhead projector 15 feet away.
In my 1980’s childhood, the classroom was where all learning took place. And our teacher was generally at the center of it.
But in 2020-2021, with the disruption caused by CoVid- 19 and social distancing, learning must extend beyond the walls of our classrooms, and empower our students to learn from any place, at any time.
Expert MakerSpace teacher, tinkerer and learning experience designer Mark Barnett (@BarkMarnett), teaches us how to use a ‘maker mindset’ to seamlessly design these kinds of experiences and:
👍🏽 Transform our fixed classrooms to flexible learning spaces 👍🏽 Design personalized learning experiences that allow students to thrive in remote environments 👍🏽 ‘Hack’ the ideal week together with students to allow for blended asychronous and synchronous learning
Watch our interview and get access to the whole 12 interview series below: